Monday, June 27, 2011

Run-a-Gay Brides – San Francisco Pride Weekend 2011

This weekend was one of my gayest weekends ever. On Friday night, gay New Yorkers won the right to get married. There is probably no better start to a pride weekend. Both New York and San Francisco were celebrating gay pride this weekend. We got ready for a weekend of love, all kinds of love.

On the streets of San Francisco, New York’s euphoric cheers were echoed by many.

On Saturday night, we went to watch the Dykes on Bikes.

I invariably get goose bumps when the ladies rev up their engines and show the crowds their tough love. Some of these women fought for our rights before we were even born and a lady on a bike always looks hot. Smoking hot.

Invariably, girls take their shirts of. It’s a symbolic act. If men can take their shirts of, why can’t we? Annelien and I remained fully dressed but this woman was putting up quite a show for the people who kept serenading her.

On Sunday morning, the actual Pride Parade was held and we dressed up to join Aaron Belkin’s float. My friend Aaron is a gay rights activist who fought tirelessly against Don’t Ask Don’t Tell for 12 years before it was repealed. Because of his contributions to the gay community – I’ve heard a couple of times that Aaron actually single-handedly achieved the repeal – Aaron was selected as a grand marshal. Aaron was driven in a shiny red convertible but we had to walk. Much to Annelien’s chagrin because she wasn’t exactly wearing walking shoes.

Aaron’s friends wore great costumes and most of them danced lively. We think Americans are really good at cheering crowds and running victory laps. We think it’s something kids learn in school when they do sports. Annelien and I are learning the ropes of being perfect float members and we started with a simpler trick: we were holding hands and waving. The crowds were wonderful and easy to please.

You are never too young to fight for civil liberties. How does this cone work? Do I have to shout through this hole?

1 comment:

  1. Oh san francisco, we miss you! Beautiful pics! XOXO from mexico, jenni and lisa.
